Episode 14: The Barbaric Gentlemen

Christian and his rugby mates; what sporting camaraderie looks like

Christian and his rugby mates; what sporting camaraderie looks like

Rugby is game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Football is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians.
— Oscar Wilde

For this episode Grandstand travels digitally to the Basque Country to talk Rugby with Christian “El Vasco” Palomes and try to get to the bottom of Mr. Wilde’s dictum, because sometimes gentlemanliness can have a civilizing effect on barbarism. Can Christian convince American mothers to leave their children’s football pads behind for the game of gentlemen?  Why are the French Basques more Rugby loving than their brothers on the Spanish side?  Who is Laurianne Lissar? All this and more on this delectable edition of Grandstand Podcast.

Check Christian's Band The Dotz heard at the end of the episode